
"...Labrat is an extremely good swimmer..."

Labrat is one of the goblins who live in Norfwood Cave in the Creepy Crawly Woods and is a good friend of GRiNdaL.

Labrat spends most of his time working in the Alchemy Lab as Fishwhip's assistant.


He looks a little unusual because his left arm has been replaced by the flipper of a sea creature.

Labrat has no problem doing any of his jobs around the Alchemy Lab because of this and, amongst all the Goblins, is by far the best swimmer.


What is more interesting about Labrat is trying to find out how he lost his left arm!

Most of the goblins have given up asking now, but shortly after Labrat appeared with his flipper, each of them asked about how it happened and he told each of them a completely different story!

Nobody other than Labrat knows the truth (nobody else has bothered to own up, anyway...)


Labrat is also a very good cook.

When Bilge is off foraging for herbs, Labrat is usually the one who cooks for the other Goblins.

He calls the oven his Hotbox!

Favourite colour


Favourite Place

Goblin Cave

Best Friend


Favourite Food

Mushroom Soup

Current Location
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: Labrat the Goblin by Noël Mallet


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