Woodland Princess

...The Woodland Princess opens the Summer Solstice Celebration every year...

The Woodland Princess is the eldest daughter of the Woodland King.

She helps the Woodland King rule the Creepy Crawly Woods and is the Envoy and Herald of the Woodland King.


The Princess is ideally suited to this role for two reasons.

Firstly, because of her magical charm. Every creature she comes into contact with likes her. Some say it is her smile, others say it is in her eyes but all agree that she is probably one of the best-liked in the Hard Lands.

The other reason is her Shade or Midnight Cloak. Decorated with stars, this magical cloak allows her to pass unseen in any part of the Creepy Crawly Woods and never become lost or confused. she made the Shade herself, as she also made the King's Cloak that changes with the colour of the seasons.

The Princess also wears the Carrion Crown, indicating she is the patron of all the crows and other carrion birds in Owtdare.

As Herald of the King, The Woodland Princess opens the Summer Solstice Celebration every year in the glade near the King's Hall. (Some people know this as the Midsummer's Eve party).

It is an important ceremony that the Woodland King hosts for the Wise of the Woods and his guests.

It symbolises the turning of the year, the progress towards Harvest and Winter, and demonstrates to the World of Owtdare the strength and unity of all the creatures in the Creepy Crawly Woods.

It is essential that the Moon is always present in the sky on the evening of the celebration but one year a malevolent sorcerer worked a mighty spell to hide the moon from the sky in order to spoil the Ceremony.


The Goblins of Norfwood were bitterly disappointed when they found the party might be cancelled because everyone knows how much goblins like a good party.

They came up with a plan and gifted the Princess with a half-moon mask to wear.

This meant that even though the moon was hidden from sight, she would still be present with the Princess wearing her mask. Unfortunately, the original mask was lost at that very first party where the princess wore it.

Ever since then it has now become a firm tradition at the Celebrations each year that a group of guests designated by the Wise of the Woods present the Princess with a new half-moon mask to wear while she opens the Solstice Celebration.

Favourite Item of Clothing

Midnight Cloak/Shade

Favourite Colour 


Favourite Place 

Silver Falls in the Spring at Blossom time

Favourite Food

Bilge's Mushroom Soup

Best Friend


Current Location
Aligned Organization

Articles under Woodland Princess

Cover image: The Wise of the Woods in discussion by Noël Mallet
Character Portrait image: Woodland Princess


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