Midnight Cloak

...The only known way to make a Shade is to enter the Land of the Fey...

The Midnight Cloak or Shade is a magical cloak.

Only one is known to exist in the Hard Lands and it was made by the Woodland Princess.


The only known way to make a Shade is to enter the Land of the Fey and enter the most enchanted parts of the Wood during the Dark of the Moon. There, you can capture the beams of darkness that the moon will cast and sew them together with the aid of a magical needle.


The Woodland Princess is such an accomplished weaver, that she also decorated her Shade with gems of captured starlight, also from the Land of Fey. It was made many years ago but, sadly, the Woodland Princess gave her magical needle away some time ago and has now forgotten who she gave it to!


A Shade worn by the person who made it makes them pass safely anywhere and be concealed and undetected if they choose. It can be adjusted to a long robe, short cape or riding shawl to suit its wearer. In the hands of any other person, it is a very pretty but, quite normal-looking half cape.

Cover image: GRiNdaL and his friends by Noël Mallet


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