
"I’m a troll fol-de-roll...!"

Stonegut is a Troll and usually prefers to live under a bridge. He is currently living under the Rickety Bridge near The Stink at the very eastern edge of the Creepy Crawly Woods.


His favorite food is barbequed goat. Not many goats live in the woods or even in this part of the The Hard Lands as they prefer more rugged mountainous regions. Stonegut often visits Big Dave who lives in the crags on the way to Big City and they usually head out for a stroll clutching their big sacks, hoping to bag a goat or two for supper.


Stonegut speaks quite slowly but don't let that fool you into thinking he is not very bright. He just likes to make sure he says the right thing first time round, and he is actually very clever.


Big Dave and Stonegut are both very strong and enjoy having competitions to see who is the strongest. Big Dave might be tall and stronger and have a deeper voice, but Stonegut always find a way to beat him in competitions (and has a better singing voice).

Favourite colour


Favourite Place

A feast

Favourite saying

I’m a troll fol-de-rol !

Best Friend

Big Dave

Favourite Food

barbequed Goat

Current Location
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

Character Portrait image: Stonegut the Troll by Noël Mallet


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