
...they tend to make great warriors...

Ogres are big, tough humanoids, generally much taller and wider than your average person.

Some of them are a bit clumsy, some of them are very dextrous, and some are much cleverer than you would generally give them credit for, but pretty much all of them are very strong and they tend to make great warriors.


They tend to be quite direct in their conversations and often speak their mind without thinking about how others will feel, which sometimes makes them appear very rude, but they make up for this by having an infectious sense of humour and tend to cheer everyone around them up with their friendly banter.

They often find themselves leading tribes of Orcs and Goblins
Stumper is one of the most famous Ogres in Owtdare and you can usually find him behind the bar in his Tavern

Cover image: GRiNdaL and his friends by Noël Mallet


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