
...Og once had his big toe bitten off by a dragon...

Down at the Pit'N'Swet, there are a number of what the Orcs and Ogres call "regulars". Creatures who spend a lot of time at the tavern. Og is one of these Orcs and you will often find him sat at the bar with his favourite tankard.

Og in the Tavern

Og is different from most of the Orcs in the Hard Lands. He prefers wearing skins and bones instead of armour and weapons.

He likes talking to strangers as well as to friends and he is very, VERY good at it.


If you sit for a while at the bar, you will discover that Og once had his big toe bitten off by a dragon, or his little toe, or by a basilisk, or by a horrible accident with fruit-knife.

The big bone club he carries is the finger bone of a mighty dragon he slew with his bare hands, or a petrified rib of an ancient lizard he found at the edge of a lake, or the thigh bone of his trollish great grandfather.

He used to be a great warrior/shaman/weaponsmith/juggler many years ago and left the lakes/mountains/hills/underdark to be a baker/florist/fisherman/chicken whisperer.


Now, he sits at the bar of the Pit 'N' Swet and, if you buy him a drink, he will tell you even more of his amazing travels and adventures (of which, there are an uncountable number).

Interestingly enough, the one profession that Og has never ever boasted about is being a storyteller, which is odd, as he is clearly one of the best! 

Favourite Colour 

Bone or beige

Favourite Item


Favourite Food

Bar Snacks (Froaty's Lucky Dips)

Best Friend

Anyone who will buy him a drink and listen to his stories

Current Location
Aligned Organization


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