Mask Maker

...his skill in making beautiful objects is so great...

The Mask Maker lives and works in Big City.

He is an artisan, tailor and jewel-smith of the highest skill, a Grand Master in fact.


What is quite interesting is that he looks like a stocky and roughly set rogue you might meet down a back alley, or propping up the bar at the Pit'n'Swet tavern (which is a poor comparison actually, as the Mask Maker will always drop in to the Pit'n'Swet when on business in the Creepy Crawly Woods!)

The Mask Maker has always been a crafter but has also found a reputation for teaching and leading others.

Perhaps this is also the reason why he enjoys knowing and working with GRiNdaL and the Goblins, as they remind him of the young and enquiring minds of the students he has shaped and grown.


Beneath his gruff exterior and manner is a sharp wit and a friendly countenance.

Most people believe he works magic in his shop and that the things he makes are enchanted but the simple truth is that his skill in making beautiful objects is so great, that it becomes very difficult to believe that they are created with just skill alone.


He specialises in one-off commissions and making masks for the people of the Hard Lands for their celebrations and parties.

He is one of the few people who is known to others in Owtdare, beyond the borders of the Hard Lands, but not many know that his real name is Mark.

Favourite Colour


Favourite Food

Rigan Trifle (a local dessert)

Favourite item

Crafting tools

Best Friend

Mad Mad Geoff


Cover image: The Folk of the Hard Lands by Noël Mallet


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