Mad Mad Geoff

...he tells the worst jokes in the Hard Lands...

Mad Mad Geoff lives in Geoffer's Clumps just beyond the southern border of the Creepy Crawly Woods.


The area is well known and named after Geoff, because of the constant bangs, whistles, smells, gases and strange explosions, lights and other effects which often come from there.


Geoff is one of the friendliest and cheekiest fellows in the Hard Lands. He knows more people than you might think and is known by less people than he should.

In his spare time he is always building, inventing and creating the most unusual, impractical and ridiculous objects that you will ever need.

He is not angry-mad, he's barking crazy bonkers-mad. In fact, he's completely chaotic and unpredictable and he tells the worst jokes in the Hard Lands.


As you can imagine, most Goblins think he's lots of fun and visit him often.

He can make anything. I don't just mean he can make all sort of things that can be made. I mean ... he can make ANYTHING.

He has the habit of creating things that make you look at them in a funny sort of way after realising that its the sort of object that it shouldn't be possible to BE made, but clearly has a specific and useful purpose.

This is another reason Mad Mad Geoff lives just beyond the borders of the Woods. It's safer for just about everyone! If he asks you to pull his finger .. don't.


How he got his name

Mad Mad Geoff got his name from his association with Mad Geoff, his friend from Big City.

The 2 Geoffs used to work together in Big City as engineers.

When they had time off Mad Geoff was always building crazy and dangerous contraptions (even more crazy than Mad Mad Geoff's) that needed testing before they could be put into production.

Mad Mad Geoff was the only one mad enough to test them - so he got the extra Mad added to his name.


Mad Mad Geoff often travels up to Big City to sell his contraptions and get materials for new projects.

He has many friends in the city including Mark the Mask Maker.

Favourite Colour


Favourite Food

Tuna fish custard

Favourite item of clothing

his leather waistcoat

Best Friend

Mad Geoff


Cover image: The Folk of the Hard Lands by Noël Mallet


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