Jigg Ov Da Swamp

"Jigg likes catching crayfish from the front porch of his hut and cooking Swamp-Gup Soup..."

Jigg lives in the Creepy Crawly Woods in a swampy place on the banks of the Tinkle called The Stink, a little way downstream from the Stepping Stones. But for a goblin like Jigg this really is not as bad as it sounds.

Jigg likes to spend his time relaxing on the front porch of his hut which is built on stilts, catching crayfish from the swamp below and cooking Swamp-Gup Soup, which is renowned in that part of the woods for being very tasty.


Shamanic skills

Like Grobbelobelob, Jigg is a Shaman and he likes dancing and performing acrobatic moves like backflips, handsprings and cartwheels to rhythmical drum music while wearing of his masks that help him understand the different magical elements in the world of Owtdare.

Jigg is rarely lonely in his hut in The Stink because often folk will travel from far away to consult Jigg's knowledge of the magical Shroom-Web (or just visit for a chance of being offered some Swamp-Gup Soup.)


Jigg's Masks

The four masks that Jigg owns take pride of place in the main room of his hut:

Mask of Earth

A long wooden mask made from a jungle tree that makes Jigg speak with a much deeper voice and puts him in tune with the element of earth and the power of the Shroom-web. Jigg becomes even more charismatic when he wears this mask and it is his favorite of the four.

Mask of Water

A blued-steel mask (which never goes rusty!) that looks like a fish head with big eyes and scales that go down his back that helps him understand the spirit of water. Jigg goes almost mute when he wears this mask.

Mask of Fire

An heavy obsidian mask with a hinged jaw that makes him think he is an Ogre and puts him in tune with the element of Fire.

Mask of Air

A thin, lightweight, bright-blue painted half-mask that was made from a gourd, helps him sing with a much higher and louder voice, and puts him more in tune with the element of Air.

Favourite thing

His mask collection

Favourite colour


Best friend

Mulch da Banker

Favourite hobby

Dancing like a loon

Favourite place

Fishing from the porch of his hut where he fishes for crayfish in Da Stink

Current Location
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: Jigg Ov Da Swamp by Noël Mallet


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